Lynne A. March, D.D.S.

It’s Time To Spring Clean Your Smile

flowers on a sunny field

It’s officially Spring Time, and just like you give your home a thorough spring cleaning,  your smile needs one too!

I recommend a professional dental cleaning at least twice a year to improve your oral health.  People who regularly practice good oral hygiene at home with proper brushing and flossing techniques typically do not experience discomfort during a cleaning….BUT don’t let that stop you from visiting my office to get your cleaning!  There are a few methods I have to help, like using a topical anesthetic before the cleaning to alleviate any discomfort.

During a dental cleaning, you’ll receive diagnostic and preventive services from me as well as any needed educational information.  A good example of some services provided are:

Preventive services may include:

Educational services may include:


Make an appointment today by calling (619) 285-1200 and let’s work together to Spring Clean Your Smile!

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