Lynne A. March, D.D.S.

Halloween and A Healthy Mouth At Every Age

Jack-O-Lanterns at night


Some scary Halloween candy facts:  Did you know that 54% of all Men and 46% of all Women eat candy on Halloween?  By comparison, 87% of kids ages 6-8 eat candy on Halloween.  And Kids eat four times as many hard or chewy candies as adults.  (credit)   600 Million pounds of candy is purchased each year, which is the equivalent to the weight of 6 Titanic ships!  Individually, the average American eats 3.4 pounds of candy on Halloween, which is equivalent in calories to 13 Big Macs!  (credit)


What would Halloween be with out the candy, though?  But the “trick” is to let the candy be a “treat”; everything in moderation!  There are also better candies to choose, especially when it comes to the health of your teeth and gums.  Stay away from the hard and chewy candies that can crack a tooth or pull an old filling out.  Instead choose chocolate!  Not only is it better for your teeth, but if you choose dark chocolate, it’s better for your heart health too!  Dark Chocolate has more anti-oxidant properties that your body needs.

As you can see from the Halloween statistics above, Halloween can be just as damaging for adult teeth as children’s teeth.  If you’re over 60, your oral health is just as important as when you were young.  Here are habits to follow (credit):


If you have any questions, or simply need to find a dentist, please call my office to make an appointment today:    619-285-1200

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